Saturday, March 12, 2011

Thoughts to Ponder

So I was looking up some remedies for my Mom online and I came across this article! It states my sentiments exactly so I thought I'd share a piece from it!


"The Doctors in Their White Labcoats are Not Going to Save You"

The “Smart” Men (& Women) in the White Lab-Coats are Not Going to Save You.

I am not a Christian but I did grow up in a church. My mother is still a Christian, most of my family are devout people. I learned a great deal from those years reading the bible and attending church and those experiences and that wisdom still direct me today.

The Bible spoke about all the chaos that would come as this worldly society reached the apex of corruption. The Bible warned about bowing down before false Gods and their false prophets. To me there are no Gods as false as the Gods of so-called “Western Medicine”.

The Scientists, Doctors and Pharmacists long ago rejected any fundamental belief in the natural world and arrogantly proclaimed the superiority of all things machine-made and mass-produced. They pollute the environment with the poisons produced by industry, they have compromised our diets with nutritionally inferior food laced with pesticides, insecticides, hormones and fertilizers produced on their factory farms, and they have weakened the population’s health with their prescription drugs and the hundreds of thousands of people they kill every year.

Like any other oppressive religion they keep the general public ignorant of how the medical system actually works. People have been brainwashed into believing that their clinical studies are the ultimate findings of fact

“Technological progress is like an axe in the hands of a pathological criminal”- Albert Einstein

 Captured by Nasa 
"There are only two physicians - the Almighty and your own body"  ~WD Kelley  

"God helps those who help themselves"
~Hanna Kroeger 

WD Kelley is brilliant and discovered a natural way to cure cancer. This information has been suppressed by the Government and the mainstream media (which is controlled by the elite who run the world, of course!) He died in 2005 and his book is now free online:
They did everything they could to shut Kelly up because "they" did not want everyone to know the truth. Don't believe me? Read for yourself.

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